iPhoneTiny.com reviews iPhone, iPod touch and iPad apps in a quickfire manner. Reviews are written by Craig Grannell, a long-time Mac, iOS and gaming writer, who, unsurprisingly, has a short attention span.
To submit a paid app or game for consideration, send a promo code to email hidden; JavaScript is required. If your app is free, send an iTunes Store link and it’ll be considered for review.
iPhoneTiny used to rate apps out of five. Use the links below to search relevant archive reviews by score.
Now the site simply provides an indication of whether an app is ESSENTIAL or RECOMMENDED, along with flagging occasional FREEBIE apps/games and BARG ALERTS. (Note that when searching, some other reviews might show up with those strings — those in caps are the ones you want.)
If you’d like to advertise on this website or on the iPhoneTiny.com Twitter feed, send an email to email hidden; JavaScript is required, with the kind of thing you’d like to do.
Rights and such-like
This site’s copyright © 2009–2013 Craig Grannell. Although if you decide to rip off these tiny reviews, you have bigger problems than being attacked by a copyright lawyer.